In Memorium and Planned Giving

Many families choose to honor the memory of their loved ones by requesting donations be made to the Friends of Capron Park Zoo, the Zoo’s nonprofit fundraising arm. Some benefactors support the Zoo by including it in their estate plans. The most common form of planned giving is a bequest made though a will or trust; the wide range of these opportunities also includes life income and deferred gifts, which can provide financial and tax benefits to donors during their lifetimes and help to shape the future of Capron Park Zoo in perpetuity.

When you make a gift in someone’s memory, please be sure to identify the name of the individual being honored. FCPZ will  notify the individual’s family of your generous tribute.

Select “Tribute” as the donation type on the link to below.

Alternatively, checks can me mailed to The Friends of Capron Park Zoo, P.O. Box 821, Attleboro, MA 02703; Attn: Tributes.

To inquire about planned and estate giving opportunities to benefit the Zoo, please contact Friends of Capron Park Zoo at  [email protected].